Thursday, March 3, 2011

MEANWHILE, back in the land of knitting...

... Astounding Knits: 101 Spectacular Knitted Creations and Daring Feats (Voyageur Press) hits bookstore shelves on March 24. This book was great fun to write - and hopefully, will be great fun to read! It features some truly amazing artists and craftspeople: from Dave Cole and his "Knitting Machine," which stitched up an enormous American flag using utilities poles and excavators as needles, to Alasdair Post-Quinn, whose revolutionary double knitting features one pattern on the front and an entirely different pattern on the back; from Tatyana Yanishevky's anatomically correct flower garden, to Helen Pynor's representations of human organs knitted up with strands of human hair. From the sublime, to the outrageous, and everything in between, this book will be available soon for pre-order via my website. Look for it!
Tatyana Yanishevy's incredible passionflower, top; and hibiscus.


Unknown said...

you've been busy bee!

jafabrit said...

WOW, these flowers are INCREDIBLE.
Congratulations on the book, look forward to seeing it.

Unknown said...

And what bee wouldn't want to nestle up to these flowers!

jafabrit said...

I wanna be a beeeeeeeeeeeeee!